She Who Has No Master(s), a collective of women and gender-nonconforming writers of the Vietnamese diaspora, presents two collaborative poetry performance and readings for USAAF 2018. Readers include Aimee Phan, Dao Strom, Thao P. Nguyen, Angie Chau, Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, Julie Thi Underhill, Stacey Tran, Trinh Mai. Our first event is May 5th at the International Hotel, in collaboration with SFSU students, and engaging around themes of how Asian bodies are impacted by the #metoo movement. Our main event will be on May 6th at the Asian Art Museum, with a multi-voiced poetry performance in the morning, followed by individual pop-up readings in the gallery in the afternoon. Event formats will include: presentation of collaborative multi-voiced poetry, followed by individual readings by collective members. Both presentations will be accompanied by mixed-media visual elements.
Participating Artists:
Aimee Phan, Dao Strom, Thao P. Nguyen, Angie Chau, Lan Duong, Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, Julie Thi Underhill, Stacey Tran and Trinh Mai.
Artist Bio:
She Who Has No Master(s) is a collective of women and gender-nonconforming writers of the Vietnamese diaspora, featuring writers and visual artist.
Dates & Times:
May 5, 4pm-6:30pm at I-Hotel Manilatown Center
May 6, 11am -12pm at Asian Art Museum
More Info:
200 Larkin St
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
Google map and directions