Shantre Pinkney: Raw, Black & Blue
“Raw, Black & Blue" is a fictional love story chronicled through the journals and lens of Tamia, a photographer recovering from a mental breakdown. As she navigates reemerging trauma, her relationship with Keith, a community response member, becomes increasingly strained, leaving her hesitant to fully commit.
About the Artist:
Shantre Pinkney is a filmmaker, writer and photographer with roots in New York and Atlanta. As a lover of non-traditional and inquisitive storytelling, she seeks to raise dialogue between art and the audience. Her work reflects social relationships and characters coming of age through narrative, portrait and documentary styles. Currently, she is an art fellow with Asian Improv Arts and Kala Arts Institute.
"My goal is to use Raw, Black & Blue as an artistic tool in open forums for social justice, self care and mental health through literature, audio storytelling, photo exhibition and film."
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