APICC is part of an exciting initiative pushing for November ballot that will increase (vital) funding to the arts and to end family homelessness in San Francisco.
From Better SF:
"The Allocation of Hotel Tax Funds swill restore San Francisco’s longstanding commitment to supporting the arts and homeless families by reestablishing dedicated funding towards much needed services and programs. This funding will expand our city’s arts funding ecosystem, address issues of affordability and displacement, expand rapid re-housing programs and protect services for homeless families.
The initiative allocates 17% of the Hotel Tax revenue to the arts and 3.6% to family homelessness services. If passed, the measure would increase city arts funding by 137.32% and establish the Ending Family Homelessness Fund to ensure homeless families receive the types of dedicated funding that is desperately needed.
This measure also addresses cultural equity within the arts by establishing a strong Cultural Equity Endowment Fund. Through their work crafting this measure together, San Francisco’s arts organizations across the board have achieved unprecedented unity and collaboration."
For more info and to join the campaign, go to http://bettersf.com/