“Realms of Courage” amplifies fifteen composers who identify as Asian women through art inspired by their music and lived experiences. The Realms of Courage Composers include: Wang Jie, Theresa Wong, Theresa Calpotura, Shruthi Rajasekar, Midori Larsen, Melissa Dunphy, Liliya Ugay, Kyong Mee Choi, Julie Zhu, Juhi Bansal, Jennifer Jolley, Jean Ahn, Emily Koh, Chihchun Chi-sun Lee, and Bosba Panh.
Each of the five panels in this series provides the public with an opportunity to engage with three featured composers. Listen to their words of wisdom, learn from their creative process, and ask them questions in real time. How will you be inspired?
Bosba Panh, Chihchun Chi-sun Lee, Emily Koh, Jean Ahn, Jennifer Jolley, Juhi Bansal, Julie Zhu, Kyong Mee Choi, Liliya Ugay, Melissa Dunphy, Midori Larsen, Shruthi Rajasekar, Theresa Calpotura, Theresa Wong, Wang Jie
Angela Han is an Asian-American artist, musician, and educator who creates art inspired by music and mythology. Her work celebrates the creativity and courage of women, while igniting the imagination through curious questions and thoughtful world-building. A classically trained pianist, she graduated from Cornell University with a degree in music and psychology.
Follow Angela Han Art LLC on Instagram and Facebook
#RealmsOfCourage #AsianWomenComposers
Listen to their words of wisdom, learn from their creative process, and ask them questions in real time. How will you be inspired?
All panels are free and open to the public to register.
Composers Panel #1: Emily Koh,
Wang Jie, and
Kyong Mee Choi
Sun, May 1 @ 1:00-2:15pm PST
Composers Panel #2: Jean Ahn,
Jennifer Jolley, and
Shruthi Rajasekar
Sun, May 15 @ 2:30-3:45pm PST
Composers Panel #3: Theresa Calpotura,
Juhi Bansal, and
Midori Larsen
Sun, May 29 @ 2:00-3:15pm PST
Composers Panel #4: Melissa Dunphy,
Chihchun Chi-sun Lee, and
Theresa Wong
Sun, June 12 @ 7:00-8:15pm PST
Composers Panel #5: Liliya Ugay,
Julie Zhu, and
Bosba Panh
Sun, June 26 @ 11:00-12:15pm PST
Composers Panel #2: Jean Ahn,
Jennifer Jolley, and
Shruthi Rajasekar
Sun, May 15 @ 2:30-3:45pm PST
Composers Panel #3: Theresa Calpotura,
Juhi Bansal, and
Midori Larsen
Sun, May 29 @ 2:00-3:15pm PST
Composers Panel #4: Melissa Dunphy,
Chihchun Chi-sun Lee, and
Theresa Wong
Sun, June 12 @ 7:00-8:15pm PST
Composers Panel #5: Liliya Ugay,
Julie Zhu, and
Bosba Panh
Sun, June 26 @ 11:00-12:15pm PST
More details about each panel and the composers involved available at www.angelahanart.com/realms-of-courage-events
ASL interpretation and live automatic captions will be available for the duration of the panel discussion. Please note that this is a virtual event that will be held via Zoom and live streamed and recorded to APICC's YouTube.
If you require any special accommodations or assistance, please let us know by filling out the accommodation question when you register or email us at [email protected].
This event will be video recorded for archival and promotional purposes. By attending this event, you consent to the potential of your image being shared publicly through APICC's channels.