APICC presents Legacy and Lineage, a series of short films profiling the unique journeys of 5 Asian American community artists - Sammay Dizon, Genny Lim, Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, Sami See, Francis Wong - whose works consistently place community at the center. The films explore the reasons that drive these outstanding artists and legacies that may point to the direction of the future of Asian American artists in San Francisco.
This program will feature an opening statement by Producer/Director Laura Priscilla Paule, followed by a screening and Q&A discussion with artists, Francis Wong, Genny Lim, Isabelle Thuy Pelaud and Sammay Dizon, moderated by Valerie Soe (Loveboat Taiwan, 2019). In a moment when anti-Asian violence has been exacerbated by the rhetoric surrounding the pandemic, we look forward to building awareness, empathy and unity through the stories and discussion presented in this program and more.
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This event is free and open to the public. Automatic live captioning will be available via Zoom.
Artists Featured in the Film Series
Sammay Dizon
Genny Lim
Isabelle Thuy Pelaud
Sami See
Francis Wong
Short Film Production Team
Laura Paule
Willis Lai
Diana Chen
Q&A Discussion moderated by Valerie Soe
Screening & Discussion curated by Kimberley Acebo Arteche